Kin Kin State School students will be able to share work with kids from interstate and Sydney Theatre Company professionals through an innovative early childhood project being developed by CQUniversity lecturers Dr Sue Davis and Kathy Bauer.
A common interest in promoting sustainability education through creative processes brought together CQUni Noosa’s Dr Davis and Sydney Theatre Company Education Manager John Saunders at an international conference last year. They then began to discuss ways to create a program that could open up opportunities for teachers and students across the country to connect and collaborate.
This led to the development of the Open Story Box project, which is about to be piloted in July this year.
The program is an early childhood project open to teachers/educators and their students from Kindergarten/Prep to Year 2. It includes practical professional development sessions for the educators and their subsequent implementation of a common curriculum-based unit.
A selected text and ‘box’ of resources and teaching materials will be provided to each participating site and participants invited to share their site’s learning journey as the project progresses. The focus text they are working with for the trial is The Long Way Home by Emily Rodda, a story that opens up opportunities to explore concepts of home, place, nature, sustainability and belonging.
This pilot project will focus on teachers in NSW and Queensland, beginning with an initial on-site professional development day offered on the two sites in Noosa and Sydney during the mid-year school holidays (Friday July 11).
To register for the project, participants can go to
(Source: CQUniversity)