Summer: Seasonal fruits and vegetables

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Summer fruit

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are those that are in their peak in terms of flavour or harvest at a particular time of year. Fresh, local fruits and vegetables are a much healthier option, buying in season helps to support local farmers and producers, reduces damage to the environment and is more economical.

In Australia summer runs from December to February. These summer vegetables are great in salads on hot summer’s day and the fruits go perfectly with yoghurt as a healthy summer snack.

In season summer fruits include:

Bananas Figs Cherries
Lychees Mangoes Apricots
Berries Limes Melons
Passionfruit Grapes Nectarines
Peaches Plums Pears
Oranges Pineapple


Vegetables include:

Asparagus Beans Cucumbers
Avocados Eggplant Potatoes
Capsicum Sweet corn Zucchini
Celery Onions Lettuce
Tomatoes Peas Squash


More information on seasonal fruits and vegetables

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Date Created: November 30, 2012 Date Modified: January 14, 2013