Araignée Incy Wincy (Incy Wincy Spider)

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Lovely song to teach French to children as they will probably know the words and tune in English.

Use either the hand movements described below when singing this song or use the printable spider props provided below to create your own play as you sing the song.

L’araignée incy wincy

French Translation

L’araignée incy wincy S’accrochez vos pouces ensemble et bougez les doigts pour faire comme une araignée
Monta dans le flot d’eau En montant vos mains
La pluie est venue Remuez vos doigts pour imiter des gouttes de pluie qui tombent
Elle tomba sur le dos Faire semblant de tomber sur votre dos et dites ‘ouch’!
Le soleil réapparu Faire de grands cercles avec les mains
Et sécha toute la pluie
Et l’araignee incy wincy S’accrochez vos pouces ensemble et bougez les doigts pour faire comme une araignée
Recommensa à nouveau. En montez vos mains


Incy wincy spider

English Translation

The incy wincy spider Interlock your thumbs and move your fingers to
make believe your hands are a spider
Went up the water spout Raise your wiggling hands up
The rain came Wiggle your fingers to imitate raindrops falling
And she fell on her back Pretend to fall on your back and say ‘ouch!’
The sun came back Move your hands in big circles
And dried all the rain
And incy wincy spider Interlock your thumbs and move your fingers to
make believe your hands are a spider
Started again. Raise your wiggling hands up


Download the printable version

Download the printable spider probs

View a video of the English version


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Date Created: May 31, 2013 Date Modified: August 10, 2013