Environment during pregnancy affects babies' immune development
New research from Perth's Telethon Institute for Child Health Research has shown that children born in modern industrialised environments have more responsive immune systems at birth than children from traditional environments.
The findings have been...
Prenatal whole genome sequencing: Just because we can, should we?
With whole genome sequencing quickly becoming more affordable and accessible, we need to pay more attention to the massive amount of information it will deliver to parents – and the fact that we don’t...
One in three post-partum women suffers PTSD symptoms after giving birth
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) develops in individuals who experience highly traumatising situations such as terrorist attacks and car accidents, but symptoms can also come about after normal life events — including childbirth.
A Tel Aviv...
Yoga proves to reduce depression in pregnant women, boost maternal bonding
It’s no secret that pregnancy hormones can dampen moods, but for some expectant moms, it’s much worse: 1 in 5 experience major depression. Now, new research shows that an age-old recommended stress-buster may actually...
Infants of overweight mothers grow more slowly
Pregnant women who are overweight or obese can encounter a host of health complications. The added weight also appears to affect how their children grow and develop, at least initially.
In a new study published...
Vaginal delivery as safe as cesarean for most early preterm births
Vaginal delivery for early preterm fetuses presenting head first, or vertex presentation, had a high rate of success with no difference in neonatal mortality compared to cesarean delivery, a new study published in the...
Psychology of possibilities can enhance health, happiness
First-time mothers who pay attention to their emotional and physical changes during their pregnancy may feel better and have healthier newborns than new mothers who don’t, according to research to be presented at American...
Cognitive changes may be only sign of foetal alcohol exposure
Most children exposed to high levels of alcohol in the womb do not develop the distinct facial features seen in foetal alcohol syndrome, but instead show signs of abnormal intellectual or behavioural development, according...
Marijuana use doubles risk of premature birth
A large international study led by University of Adelaide researchers has found that women who use marijuana can more than double the risk of giving birth to a baby prematurely.
Preterm or premature birth -...
Lower iron levels seen in newborns of obese mothers
A growing number of studies imply that children born to obese mothers face health problems stemming from the womb. New research from the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts...
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