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Video games – a moral game changer?

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With 98% of Australian households with children having at least one form of video game, it not only seems logical but indeed ethical that we discuss the moral content of videogames. A recent paper by...

Penalties of $500,000 for non-compliant children’s nightwear

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The Federal Court has ordered Ozsale Pty Ltd (Ozsale) pay penalties totalling $500,000 for supplying children's nightwear which did not comply with the Australian mandatory safety standard. Ozsale sold over 200 non-compliant garments to Australian...

Penalties of $500,000 for non-compliant children's nightwear

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
The Federal Court has ordered Ozsale Pty Ltd (Ozsale) pay penalties totalling $500,000 for supplying children's nightwear which did not comply with the Australian mandatory safety standard. Ozsale sold over 200 non-compliant garments to Australian...

Pioneering study of cannabis extracts in treating epileptic kids

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A pioneering study, the Paediatric Epilepsy Lambert Initiative Cannabinoid Analysis (PELICAN), launches today not only to identify issues facing families living with epilepsy but also to analyse cannabis products being used in the community –...

Early childhood support vital for at-risk families

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Dr Loraine Fordham, a researcher in the CSU School of Teacher Education and Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education (RIPPLE), conducted a two-year qualitative study of an Early Years Education Program (EYEP) conducted by the Children's...

Australia’s longest-running women’s health study to add children’s data

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Research linking two decades of data on Australian women with outcomes for their children will provide an unparalleled insight into child health and development. Professor Gita Mishra from The University of Queensland said the Mothers and their Children’s...

Australia’s longest-running women's health study to add children’s data

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
Research linking two decades of data on Australian women with outcomes for their children will provide an unparalleled insight into child health and development. Professor Gita Mishra from The University of Queensland said the Mothers and their Children’s...

Oral Immunotherapy Is Safe, Effective Treatment for Peanut-Allergic Preschoolers

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Nearly 80% of peanut-allergic preschool children successfully incorporated peanut-containing foods into their diets after receiving peanut oral immunotherapy (OIT), a clinical trial has found. Peanut OIT involves eating small, gradually increasing amounts of peanut protein daily....

Playground Zoning Increases Physical Activity During Recess

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Most grade school students are likely to claim recess as their favorite period of the day; however, in many cases recess still can be sedentary with students not engaging in enough physical activity. Now...

Initiative delivers benefits for at-risk students and families

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
At-risk young people and their families benefit from a ground-breaking initiative across education, health and community service providers, according to recent Charles Sturt University (CSU) research. The evaluation of the innovative Family Referral Service (FRS)...
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