Motoka song (car song)
Motoka iti rawa e
Maku e taraiwa e
Tangi ana, tangi ana
Uka, uka uka
Ka kite, e te iwi e!
The little car
I’ll be the driver
(Hold your arms out in front like you are holding a steering wheel)
Tohora nui (the big whale)
Tohora nui
Tohora roa
Tohora tino momona
Tohora whiwhiua
Tohora piupiua
Tohora kau roto te moana e
The big whale
(Hold your arms outstretched on either side of you)
The long whale
(Hold your arms outstretched, with one arm reaching up and the...
Taniwha (mythical monster) song
One day a taniwha
Went swimming in the moana
(Motion your hand across your body to imitate the waves of the sea)
He whispered in my taringa
(Cup your hand behind your ear)
Oh won’t you come with me
Hickory dickory dock
Hickory Dickory Dock
(Clap with your child with each word)
The mouse ran up the clock
(Run two fingers up your child’s arm)
The clock struck one
(Hold up one finger)
The mouse ran down
(Run two fingers down your child’s...
Colour song (Maori)
This song gives the Maori colour first and then the English equivalent.
Ma is white
Whero is red
Kakariki is green
Mangu is black, Pango is too
Kowhai is yellow
Parauri is brown
Kikorangi is blue
Karakaraka is our orange
Tip: A set...
Das Wetter (the weather)
Es nieselt, es nieselt,
(Mit den Fingerspitzen ganz leicht auf den Tisch bzw. Boden klopfen)
Es regnet, es regnet,
(Etwas fester klopfen)
Es hagelt, es hagelt,
(So laut wie möglich klopfen)
Es donnert, es donnert,
(Mit den Fäusten klopfen)
Es blitzt, es...
Uhren (clocks)
Kind vor sich hinstellen, unter den Armen durchgreifen und die Hände vor dem Bauch des Kindes verschränken. Dann das Kind hochheben und hin und her schwenken.
Große Uhren machen "tick tack, tick tack"
(Weit nach rechts...
Das ist der Daumen (this is the thumb)
Das ist der Daumen,
(Den Daumen des Kindes zwischen Daumen und Zeigefinger nehmen und wackeln)
der schüttelt die Pflaumen,
(Den Zeigefinger wackeln)
der hebt sie auf,
(Den Mittelfinger wackeln)
er trägt sie nach Haus
(Den Ringfinger wackeln)
und der...
Beef and Guinness pie
This easy pie recipe makes a hearty beef and Guinness pie the whole family will love. Served with vegetables and mash or salad, it makes an easy meal for a cold winter’s night.
Preparation time:...
Old MacDonald had a farm
For each animal, mimic the way it moves and the sound it makes.
Old MacDonald had a farm
Ee i ee i oh
And on that farm he had some pigs
Ee i ee i oh!
With a snort...
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