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Letters on the wall

The vowel song

(6 votes, average: 4.33 out of 5)
Sung to the tune of "B..I..N..G..O..." The vowels of the alphabet I know them all by name, oh! a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u a-e-i-o-u I know them all by name, oh! The vowels of the alphabet I know them all by name, oh! (clap)-e-i-o-u (clap)-e-i-o-u (clap)-e-i-o-u I know them...
Girl dancing on Mum's feet

Dilín ó deamhas ó deamhas (she didn't dance at all)

(1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 5)
Chorus: Dilín ó deamhas ó deamhas Dilín ó deamhas ó dí Dilín ó deamhas ó deamhas ó deamhas ó Dilín ó deamhas ó dí She didn’t dance at all (Shake your head) She didn’t dance today (Shake your head and point your...
Girl dancing on Mum's feet

Dilín ó deamhas ó deamhas (she didn’t dance at all)

(4 votes, average: 3.75 out of 5)
Chorus: Dilín ó deamhas ó deamhas Dilín ó deamhas ó dí Dilín ó deamhas ó deamhas ó deamhas ó Dilín ó deamhas ó dí She didn’t dance at all (Shake your head) She didn’t dance today (Shake your head and point your...
Family baking together

Backe, backe Kuchen (bake, bake the cake)

(4 votes, average: 3.50 out of 5)
German: Backe, backe Kuchen, (Im Takt in die Hände klatschen) der Bäcker hat gerufen. Wer will feinen Kuchen backen, (Forme mit beiden Händen einen Kuchen vor dir in der Luft) der muss haben 7 Sachen: (Sieben Finger hochhalten)     Zucker und Salz, (Im Takt...
Girl on horse

Hoppe hoppe, Reiter (bumpety bump, rider)

(15 votes, average: 3.80 out of 5)
German: Kind auf den Schoß nehmen und im Takt auf und ab wippen Hoppe hoppe Reiter (Kind auf dem Schoß im Takt auf und ab wippen) wenn er fällt, dann schreit er, (Kind auf den Schoß legen) fällt er in...
Single butterfly

Purerehua rere runga hau (butterfly song)

(9 votes, average: 4.33 out of 5)
Maori: Purerehua rere runga hau Papaki parihau rere runga hau Ka piki ka piki ringi rawa e Papiki parihau rere runga hae Ka piki ka piki ringi rawa e Papiki parihau rere runga hae Ka tau, ka tau runga püäwai Ka whänauhua a...
Child in toy jeep

Motoka song (car song)

(8 votes, average: 4.25 out of 5)
Maori: Motoka iti rawa e Maku e taraiwa e Tangi ana, tangi ana Uka, uka uka Ka kite, e te iwi e!   English: The little car I’ll be the driver (Hold your arms out in front like you are holding a steering wheel) Toot...
Whale in water

Tohora nui (the big whale)

(5 votes, average: 3.80 out of 5)
Maori:   Tohora nui Tohora roa Tohora tino momona Tohora whiwhiua Tohora piupiua Tohora kau roto te moana e   English: The big whale (Hold your arms outstretched on either side of you) The long whale (Hold your arms outstretched, with one arm reaching up and the...
Clear blue water

Taniwha (mythical monster) song

(8 votes, average: 4.25 out of 5)
One day a taniwha Went swimming in the moana (Motion your hand across your body to imitate the waves of the sea) He whispered in my taringa (Cup your hand behind your ear) Oh won’t you come with me (Use...

Hickory dickory dock

(5 votes, average: 3.60 out of 5)
Hickory Dickory Dock (Clap with your child with each word) The mouse ran up the clock (Run two fingers up your child’s arm) The clock struck one (Hold up one finger) The mouse ran down (Run two fingers down your child’s...
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