Becoming a dad: Time at home allows Steve and baby to bond – Steve’s...
Steve was still struggling with the fact that he constantly had to leave his pregnant wife at home while he flew off to work for weeks at a time. Luckily for him he was...
Becoming a dad: Even the most planned pregnancies have a few surprises – Stuart’s...
Stuart and his wife were extremely happy when they found out they were pregnant as they had been planning for it for some time. However, Stuart was about to find out that you can’t...
Becoming a dad: FIFO work pays well but at what cost? Steve's 1st trimester...
A great paying job, a wonderful wife and a comfortable home, Steve thought he had it all. At first the time he spent away from home was a necessary sacrifice to make sure he...
Becoming a dad: FIFO work pays well but at what cost? Steve’s 1st trimester...
A great paying job, a wonderful wife and a comfortable home, Steve thought he had it all. At first the time he spent away from home was a necessary sacrifice to make sure he...
Becoming a dad: Leroy learns that less stress is best – Leroy’s 1st trimester...
Under normal circumstances Leroy is a pretty relaxed kind of bloke and even when he found out he was to become a father he barely cracked a sweat. But as the vastness of the...
Becoming a dad: Just relax and let the magic happen – Rodney’s 1st trimester...
Quite the opposite of an unexpected pregnancy, Rodney and his wife spent some time trying before they conceived. Never too worried about the situation, Rodney attributes the extra time needed to stress and other...
Becoming a dad: Crash course in baby making 101 – Gaz’s 1st trimester experience
When Gaz decided he wanted to make some drastic changes in his life, he was thinking more about his career or study and definitely not baby. But that is exactly what happened to this...
Becoming a dad: An unexpected announcement leaves Tim in shock – Tim’s 1st trimester...
Everything in Tim’s life seemed to be going along swimmingly and the last thing he expected to hear from his wife was that they were about to become parents. Blind-sided by this announcement, Tim...
Detox to improve male fertility
Drugs (both legal and illegal), alcohol and tobacco can all reduce the health of your sperm and the likelihood that you and your partner will conceive. Avoiding these substances so that the body can...
Eating to optimise male fertility and sperm health
The types and amount of food a man eats all affect the health of his sperm.
Dietary nutrients and male fertility
If you want to get your partner pregnant, you need to keep a close eye...
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