Hush little baby

Hush little baby, don’t say a word,
Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird won’t sing,
Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring turns to brass,
Papa’s gonna buy you a looking...
Rock me easy, rock me slow

(To the tune of Elvis, Love me tender, love me true)
Rock me easy, rock me slow
Rock me where the robins go
Rock the branch and rock the bough
Rock the baby robins now
Rock me up and...
Open, shut them

Open, shut them.
(On 'open', place both hands in front of you, palms facing away and opening them wide. On 'shut them', clench hands into fists)
Open, shut them.
(On 'open', place both hands in front of...
If you’re happy and you know it

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
(Clap your hands twice)
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.
(Clap your hands twice)
If you’re happy and you know it and you really...
Twinkle, twinkle little star

Twinkle, twinkle little star
(Hold hands up, spreading fingers and then closing fists)
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
(Point up)
Like a diamond in the sky
(Make diamond shape with thumbs together and...
Incy wincy spider

Incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout
(Alternately put your left thumb on the tip of your right forefinger, then your right thumb on the tip of your left forefinger. Move your thumbs and...
Tiny Tim the turtle

I had a little turtle
(Make a “turtle" with one fist with your thumb poking out)
His name was Tiny Tim
I put him in the bath tub
To see if he could swim
(Move arms in swimming motion)
I have ten fingers

I have ten fingers
(Hold up both hands, fingers spread wide)
And they all belong to me
(Point to self)
I can make them do things – would you like to see?
I can shut them up tightly
(Make fists)
Smooth road, bumpy road

(Sit child on lap facing you)
We’re going down a smooth road, a smooth road, a smooth road
(Stroke child’s arms smoothly)
We’re going down a bumpy road, a bumpy road, a bumpy road
(Bounce child)
We’re going down...
This little piggy went to market

This little piggy went to market
Wiggle your thumb
This little piggy stayed home
Wiggle your index finger
This little piggy ate roast beef
Wiggle your middle finger and pretend it's eating
This little piggy ate none
Wiggle your ring finger...
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