Yo te amo (I love you)

Verse in Spanish
Yo te amo, yo te amo
All day long I sing this little song to you
Yo te amo, yo te amo
Darling, I love you
Je t’aime, je t’aime
All day long I sing this little...
The wheels on the bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round,
(Hold your arms out by your sides, with your elbows bent at a right angle and move your hands in repeated circles)
Round and round,
Round and round.

(Cover and uncover eyes with your hands)
(Cover and uncover eyes with your hands)
I see you
(Point to your eyes, and then point to baby)
I see you
(Point to your eyes, and then point to baby)
I see...
Schlaf, kindlein, schlaf! (sleep, little child, sleep!)

Das Kind mit weicher Stimme in den Schlaf singen...
Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf!
Der Vater hüt' die Schaf,
Die Mutter schüttelt 's Bäumelein,
Da fällt herab ein Träumelein.
Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf!
Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf!
Da draußen gehn zwei Schaf,
Ein schwarzes und ein...
Motoka song (car song)

Motoka iti rawa e
Maku e taraiwa e
Tangi ana, tangi ana
Uka, uka uka
Ka kite, e te iwi e!
The little car
I’ll be the driver
(Hold your arms out in front like you are holding a steering wheel)
Tohora nui (the big whale)

Tohora nui
Tohora roa
Tohora tino momona
Tohora whiwhiua
Tohora piupiua
Tohora kau roto te moana e
The big whale
(Hold your arms outstretched on either side of you)
The long whale
(Hold your arms outstretched, with one arm reaching up and the...
Moe moe pepe (Maori lullaby)

Moe moe pepe, moe moe ra
Moe moe pepe, moe moe ra
Hoki mai mama, apopo
Hoki mai mama, apopo
Sleep now baby go to sleep
Sleep now baby go to sleep
I will see you in the morning mama
Slaap, kindje, slaap (sleep, baby, sleep)

Slaap kindje slaap,
Daar buiten loop teen schaap.
Een schaap met witte voetjes,
Die drinkt zijn melk zo zeotjes
Slaap kindje slaap,
Daar buiten loop teen schaap.
Sleep, baby sleep
Outside there walks a sheep,
A sheep with white feet,
Who drinks his...
Vander Jacob (Father Jacob)

Vader Jacob, Vader Jacob
Slaap jij nog? Slaap jij nog?
Alle klokken luisen, alle klokken luiden!
Bim bam bom, bim bam bom.
Father Jacob, Father Jacob,
Do you still sleep? Do you still sleep?
All the bells are ringing, all...
These are baby's fingers

These are baby’s fingers
(Fingerplay and tickle)
These are fingers
(Point to baby’s fingers)
These are toes
(Point to baby’s toes and give a little tickle)
This is baby’s belly button
(Point to baby’s belly and give a little...
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