About us

What is Parenthub?

Parenthub is a free online resource for Australian parents. It provides relevant and up to date health information.

Click here to view the Parenthub Introduction Video

Why was Parenthub created?

As Virtual Medical Centre (VMC) has grown and matured, so has our community, and many staff and Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) members have become parents. With our experience and insight into all things medical, we believe that an interactive site for parenting with a strong foundation in reliable health information would be of benefit to the Australian community.

We envisage Parenthub growing and developing the same way as VMC has over the years. When VMC went live over a decade ago, the founding doctors only dreamed it would become so comprehensive (over 40,000 pages of free peer-reviewed medical content) and widely read.

Parenthub ethos

Parenthub provides current and relevant parenting and health information. Information is designed to support that provided by your health professional and never to replace it.

Contribute your parenting wisdom

Parenting is a unique and personal lifelong journey. We invite you to become a site member and contribute your experience to Parenthub. As your children grow and develop over the years, so too will Parenthub, evolving and improving as a result of your contribution and feedback.

Information on Parenthub

Parenthub provides educational referenced articles on:

  • Getting pregnant (preconception)
  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Parenting newborns through to teenagers
  • Nutrition from breastfeeding and formula through to starting solids in babies and kids recipes
  • Educational and play activities including learning outcomes
  • Kid friendly indoor and outdoor places to go

Health information is created using the same stringent EAB approval processes as Virtual Medical Centre. It is compiled using independent trustworthy medical resources and approved prior to publication.

Parenthub also has articles based on parents’ individual parenting experiences. They provide information based on a personal journey only and do not fall into the health information category discussed above. Likewise, comments contributed by site members at the bottom of articles or on the forum are not subject to Parenthub’s content approval process, but are subject to Parenthub’s User Generated Content Guidelines and Terms of Use.


Parenthub is accredited by the Geneva Switzerland HON International Ethics Code delivering our organisation the highest level of transparency and ethical standards available on the internet today.

This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information:
verify here.


Parenthub is an approved information partner for the Australian government health information websites: HealthDirect, Pregnancy Birth and Baby and mindhealthconnect.
Health insite  Mindhealthconnect logo  Pregnancy Birth and Baby


Parenthub is funded by topic-related advertising. All advertising is clearly marked and is separate from the health information on the site. For more information, see our advertising policy.