Who is wearing…?

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Kids in bright colours smiling for the camera

Sung to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell.”

Oh, who is wearing red? (Hold out both hands on either side of your body, palms facing up)
Oh, who is wearing red? (Hold out both hands on either side of your body, palms facing up)
Please tell me if you can,
Oh, who is wearing red? (Hold out both hands on either side of your body, palms facing up)
Oh, (name of child) is wearing red (Point to the child)
Oh, (name of child) is wearing red (Point to the child)
That’s the colour of her (name of clothing…like “shirt”) (Hold or point to the piece of clothing described)
Oh, (name of child) is wearing red. (Point to the child)


(Keep singing, changing the colours and names.)

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Date Created: January 4, 2013 Date Modified: March 25, 2013